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Why do we have laws? Lesson 1 of 6

Key stage 3 • Law and the justice system • Lessons

Why do we have laws?

This lesson is part 1 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How do laws affect us?

To begin this scheme of work, students explore the fundamentals of law, including its definition, purpose and significance in society. They discover the role that laws play in promoting justice, protecting rights and maintaining order. Students are introduced to youth offending and use their numeracy skills to analyse the types of youth crime that are most common in England and Wales. Through examining scenarios and focusing on the UDHR and UNCRC, students investigate how laws shape and influence everyday life. This encourages and guides them to become lawful citizens in their own lives.

Students will work towards answering the following questions:
  1. What are laws?
  2. What is the purpose of the law?
  3. How do laws help us?
Return to the scheme of work overview

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