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Why do so many adults in the UK not vote? Lesson 5 of 6

Key stage 3 • Politics, Parliament and Government • Lessons

Why do so many adults in the UK not vote?

This lesson is part 5 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: Are elections the best way to decide who runs the country?

Students explore the challenging issue of why so many adults in the UK don’t vote in elections. Having investigated data around voter turnout, students consider a range of issues related to voter apathy. They then learn about some of the barriers to adults voting, including the contentious issue of votes for prisoners. A speech writing task gives them an opportunity to develop a logical argument and practise their oracy skills.

Students will work towards answering the following questions:
  1. What is voter apathy and how does it affect elections?
  2. Why are some adults in the UK not able to vote?
  3. Should prisoners have the right to vote?
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