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What services does society need? Lesson 1 of 6

Key stage 3 • Finance and economy • Lessons

 What services does society need?

This lesson is part 1 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can political decisions impact the health of our society?

This synoptic learning sequence is designed to help students to understand the links between political, legal and economic concepts in Citizenship.

Students begin by discussing the infrastructure, key services and amenities needed for society to function successfully. Following this, students will explore the difference between societal wants and needs, in doing so differentiating between essential and desired services and how these link to rights. Through discussion and prioritising wants and needs, students begin to build up their understanding regarding what society is and what it needs to flourish.

Students will work towards answering the following questions:
  1. What is society?
  2. What services are essential for a functioning society?
  3. What else do people in society want?
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