How does law affect young people? Lesson 6 of 6
Key stage 3 • Law and the justice system • Lessons
How does law affect young people?
This lesson is part 6 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How do laws affect us?
Students explore a law that affects the lives of young people – Awaab’s Law on social housing. In groups, students take on different roles to consider the impact of the law. Citizenship skills of collaborative working, representing others’ views and communication will be assessed during the lesson. The final piece of work and role-play will be used for students’ formative assessment for this scheme of work. Students reflect on the social housing emergency and analyse legislation put in place to ensure safe homes for everyone that needs them. Developing their learning from the previous five lessons, students will discuss the key enquiry question and evaluate how laws affect us.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- How do laws affect different groups in society?
- How do laws change to improve people’s lives?
- How can we effectively present a viewpoint to others?
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