How can we create a healthier society? Lesson 6 of 6
Key stage 3 • Finance and economy • Lessons
How can we create a healthier society?
This lesson is part 6 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can political decisions impact the health of our society?
The final lesson encourages students to draw upon their learning from previous lessons and consider the best way for parliamentarians and decision-makers to help to create a healthier society. This should help to cement the links and connections between the concepts and issues that they have studied. Students create a pitch as part of a task to decide the best way to create and maintain a healthy society. This lesson is brought to a close with a discussion centred on the key enquiry question: How can political decisions impact the health of our society?
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- How can we improve public health?
- What initiatives can lead to a healthier society?
- How can political decisions impact the health of our society?
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