How can we be informed consumers? (Unit of work)
Key stage 3 • Sustainablity and climate • Model curriculum
How can we be informed consumers?
About this unit
This unit covers topics related to finance, human rights, sustainability and legislation.
Students begin by considering the factors that influence how we choose to spend our money, including an introduction to price, value and budgeting. They then focus on ethical considerations and consumerism, learning about sustainability, the Sustainable Development Goals, environmental issues and fair trade. With a focus on the clothing industry, they learn about child labour and related rights and legislation.
The unit culminates in students planning a campaign to raise awareness of being an informed consumer, laying the foundations for active citizenship.
This unit forms part of our model core curriculum which is exclusively available to School and College Members.
National curriculum links
Develop pupils’ understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizens; develop skills to research and interrogate evidence, debate and evaluate viewpoints, present reasoned arguments; the functions and uses of money, the importance and practice of budgeting
Citizenship skills
Making judgements, financial literacy, decision-making, critical thinking, planning, evaluation, investigation, analysis, political literacy, representing your views to others, collaborative working, active participation, raising awareness
Citizenship concepts
Ethics, fairness, responsibilities, making a difference, equality vs equity, sustainability, community cohesion, legislation, respect, identity, rights, justice, discrimination, equal opportunities, freedom, conflict, change, media, society, consumer power
Building progression
This unit is part of ACT’s model core curriculum for Citizenship in secondary schools, which has been designed to develop and deepen students’ knowledge, skills and understanding throughout Key Stages 3 and 4. Other units linked to this Year 7 unit include:
Year 8: Why is the local economy important to society?
Year 10: Who really has the power to make change? (coming soon)
Year 11: What has the UK economy got to do with me?
Join as a School and College Member to access this complete collection of lesson plans, slides and support resources.
- Lesson 1: What factors influence how we choose to spend our money?
- Lesson 2: Is sustainability an important issue for consumers?
- Lesson 3: How can we be sustainable shoppers?
- Lesson 4: What’s the connection between clothes and human rights?
- Lesson 5: Why is child labour an important issue for consumers?
- Lesson 6: How can we raise awareness about being an informed consumer?