How can the work of Government departments be held to account? Lesson 4 of 6
Key stage 3 • Finance and economy • Lessons
How can the work of Government departments be held to account?
This lesson is part 4 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can political decisions impact the health of our society?
In the first part of this lesson, students will identify ways in which Government is influenced and held to account for decisions, paying particular attention to select committees. Using a simulation activity, they then participate in their own select committee as witnesses, to build their political knowledge of how Parliament works. In the final part of the lesson, they propose recommendations for the Government regarding smoking in society. The simulation helps students to develop analytical, oracy and decision-making skills.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- What is a select committee?
- What role does a select committee play in Government decision-making?
- What financial impact does smoking have on both a personal budget and the economy as a whole?
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