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How can I build my skills to become an active citizen? Lesson 2 of 11

GCSE • Active citizenship, making a positive difference • Model curriculum

How can I build my skills to become an active citizen?

This lesson is part 2 of a sequence of 11 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can I be a changemaker in my local community?

This lesson introduces students to the concept of active citizenship by exploring its definition, skills, and real-world applications through case studies of notable figures such as Marcus Rashford and Greta Thunberg. Students analyse these examples to identify key skills like communication and resilience, discuss their importance, and reflect on how they can model such actions in their communities. Through activities like mind-mapping, discussions, and written reflections, students deepen their understanding of active citizenship and are tasked with researching a local example to connect the concept to their own lives.

Students will work towards the following learning objectives:
  • What is an active citizen?
  • What does active citizenship look like?
  • What skills do I need to be an active citizen?
Return the the unit overview

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