How are public services funded? Lesson 2 of 6
Key stage 3 • Finance and economy • Lessons
How are public services funded?
This lesson is part 2 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can political decisions impact the health of our society?
In this lesson, students will continue to investigate public services that serve society and how these are funded. By investigating the role of three forms of tax, students will understand how the Government uses tax to pay for the services needed for society and the difference between essential human needs and rights, as articulated in the UN Declaration on Human Rights, and what are defined as ‘luxuries’. Through discussion, analysis and evaluation, students will enhance knowledge and skills to make the links between political, economic and financial concepts.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- What is tax?
- What role does tax play in funding society?
- What types of tax does the Government use to run the public services that society needs?
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