Can citizens change the law? Lesson 3 of 6
Key stage 4 • Active citizenship, making a positive difference • Lessons
Can citizens change the law?
This lesson is part 3 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: What tools can we use to challenge injustice in our communities?
This lesson focuses on how laws are made and whether citizens can influence a change in the law and make a difference to people’s lives at a national level. Students begin by looking at who makes the law and how laws are made. They then learn about different ways citizens can influence the law, including lobbying, select committees and speaking to their MP. They go on to examine case studies about how citizens have brought about changes to the law.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- How are laws made?
- How can citizens influence the law?
- How does changing the law help to challenge injustice at a national level?
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