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AQA GCSE (9-1) Citizenship Studies Student Book 3rd edition published by Hodder


Hodder’s AQA GCSE (9-1) Citizenship Studies Student Book has successfully passed our quality assurance process and has been awarded the ACT Quality Mark for Citizenship Teaching Resources. 

The ACT Quality Mark is our stamp of approval that a citizenship teaching resource is of high quality and educational value.

To receive the Quality Mark each resource has to go through a rigorous quality assurance process involving a panel of citizenship experts who review the resource against our quality criteria, the ACT principles for effective citizenship education.

Our endorsement of The AQA GCSE (9-1) Citizenship Studies’ 3rd edition published by Hodder is as follows:

The AQA GCSE (9-1) Citizenship Studies Student Book 3rd edition published by Hodder Education is a clearly laid out, detailed resource that should support students well with independent study and exam preparation. The resource has been written to include increasing stretch and challenge through student tasks and revision questions. The use of case studies and a wide range of evidence will help students to develop a comprehensive understanding of topics to draw on in their exam responses. The guide should also be helpful for teachers when developing revision and retrieval practise as part of their GCSE Citizenship teaching.

AQA GCSE (9-1) Citizenship Studies’ 3rd edition is a priced publication available as a textbook. It can be ordered online via the Hodder Education website.