New Ofsted Inspection framework - all children expected to study Citizenship
Ofsted requires Citizenship studies.
All pupils are expected to study the curriculum subject of Citizenship according to Ofsted.
The new Inspection framework handbook for Schools published last week sets out what inspectors will focus on when they visit schools from September 2019.
All pupils in maintained schools are expected to study the national curriculum and academies are expected to offer a broad curriculum that should be similar in breadth and balance. The national curriculum sets out teaching requirements for subjects including citizenship which is a compulsory subject at key stages 3 and 4. At key stage 1 and 2 a DFE non statutory programme of study for citizenship is available for schools to follow.
The new inspection framework includes two new measures, the Quality of Education and Personal Development, both which include explicit requirements for citizenship.
The Quality of Education measure will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life which is defined in the national curriculum as ‘the essential knowledge pupils need to be educated citizens’.
Inspectors will use a range of sources of evidence to examine the curriculum schools provide including
‘whether leaders are following the national curriculum and basic curriculum or, in academies a curriculum of similar breadth and ambition.’ and how leaders have ensured the the subject curriculum contains content that is ‘most useful’ and is ‘taught in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly enough for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills’.
During visits inspectors will discuss with subject leaders and teachers how well they know the content and pedagogy of their subject and what is done to support them to ensure gaps are addressed so that pupils are not disadvantaged.
Schools will also need to ‘provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to understand how to be responsible, active citizens who contribute positively to society’ and pupils will need to know ‘how to discuss and debate ideas in a considered way’ in order to be judged ‘good’ as part of the new measure of Personal Development. This will include a judgement on the effectiveness of the school’s provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which includes core Citizenship content such as democracy, knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system, criminal and civil law and respect for cultural diversity.
To support teachers in considering their curriculum provision for Citizenship, SMSC and Personal Development, ACT have organised Citizenship Matters! a one day CPD course on 5 July at the Institute of Education. ACT has also produced ‘Citizenship essentials’ which includes guidance to support teachers with curriculum planning.