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On-demand CPD

On-demand CPD: How to plan a GCSE Citizenship Studies lesson

Experts discuss what the key components of a good GCSE lesson look like.

About this session

Once students reach Key Stage 4, we often think that the style of lesson needs to change as our focus shifts to examination specifications and terminal examinations. 

 However, what should a GCSE Citizenship Studies lesson really look like? While we have to ensure students understand the enormous amount of information in the specification, does this mean there is no place for the more active elements to lessons you used lower down? What are the fundamental elements of good planning for Citizenship lessons and planning sequences of lessons, and do these need to change when you reach Key Stage 4?  

In this session, Assistant Principal Kelly Allchin, a Personal Development lead with 15 years Citizenship teaching experience, shares her experiences of working at Leeds City Academy. Kelly will provide practical advice on planning GCSE lessons for students of all abilities, including those with EAL or SEN needs. She will also explore the pedagogy that leads to successful outcomes in a GCSE Citizenship Studies classroom.

Who is it for?

This webinar is ideal for those new to Citizenship, but also will be helpful to teachers at any stage of their career. Especially those looking to develop their pedagogy to ensure students take a synoptic approach in their writing.

Why register?

By the end of this webinar you will:

  • Gain practical hints and tips you can immediately put into practice in your planning.
  • Improve your understanding of the expectations of a GCSE Citizenship Studies lesson.
  • Understand how to include powerful knowledge and allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of this knowledge in lessons.

How do I access the session?

After registering, the video and supporting materials will be available to access in the Booked Events area in your Membership Dashboard

Useful information

This CPD will support the Initial Teacher Education Core Content Framework (CCF) and Early Career Framework (ECF), addressing the following areas:

  • Discussing and analysing with expert colleagues how to plan formative assessment tasks linked to lesson objectives and think ahead about what would indicate understanding (e.g. by using hinge questions to pinpoint knowledge gaps).
  • Discussing and analysing with expert colleagues how to choose, where possible, externally validated materials, used in controlled conditions when required to make summative assessments.
  • Working with colleagues to identify efficient approaches to assessment is important; assessment can become onerous and have a disproportionate impact on workload.
  • Using assessments to check for prior knowledge and pre-existing misconceptions.
  • Prompting pupils to elaborate when responding to questioning to check that a correct answer stems from secure understanding.
  • Discussing and analysing with expert colleagues how pupils’ responses to feedback can vary depending on a range of social factors (e.g. the message the feedback contains or the age of the child).
  • Discussing and analysing with expert colleagues how to ensure feedback is specific and helpful when using peer- or self-assessment. 
  • Discussing and analysing with expert colleagues to develop an understanding that written marking is only one form of feedback.
  • Discussing and analysing with expert colleagues how to identify efficient approaches to marking and alternative approaches to providing feedback (e.g. using whole class feedback or well supported peer- and self-assessment) and deconstructing this approach.


Event team

Meet the team who will be running this event

Kelly Allchin

ACT Consultant Advisory Teacher

Zoe Baker

Head of Education and Professional Development (ACT)


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